Join us for a unique tour of the Natural History Museum in Oxford! We'll explore how human influence and selective choice shape the narrative of natural history museums, offering an 'unnatural' perspective on their historical and ideological foundations.

Migration Museum NHS Exhibition Review

Migration Museum: NHS Exhibition review

The Migration Museum’s ‘Heart of the Nation’ exhibition explores how migrants built Britain’s NHS, even in the face of systemic racism.

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On Tour Development: From "Curiosity and Colonialism" to "Unnatural Histories"

On Tour Development: From Curiosity and Colonialism to Unnatural Histories 

As we launch a new tour of Oxford’s Natural History Museum, we reflect on lessons learnt from exploring the dark side of curiosity.

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Empty aircraft silo

Mushroom Clouds over the Dreaming Spires

Until recently, when contemplating a future of climate chaos, unaffordable housing, dystopian tech, xenophobic nationalism, …

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Engraving showing a skeleton in robes and crown wielding a scythe.

‘Anti-Vacers’: Vaccine Resistance in nineteenth-century Oxfordshire

The COVID-19 pandemic brought vaccine tensions to the forefront of public discourse. Oxford centred vividly …

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A paper featuring the portrait of several people, linking them to physiology and criminality.

Medicine and Colonization: How Scientific Research Shapes Politics

In recent months we have seen a wave of renaming initiatives around the world, which …

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Black and white picture of women and girls protesting, holding a banner with arabic script.

An Interview with Isabella Hammad: Part Two

This is the second part of an interview with Isabella Hammad, the author of The Parisian: an epic tale of a Palestinian man’s journey beginning at the outbreak of the First World War.

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An illustration poster with a read hand cutting the trunk of a tree with a tool.

Francis Galton: Eugenics and Modern Medicine

Galton’s political beliefs evidently undermined the rigour of his qualitative claims. What is less discussed …

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Sunset with the skyline of a castle-like Oxford college

A Brief History of Oxford Time

A brief history of time and temporality in Oxford, from tradition and fiction to science and modernity

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Two people in an exhibition room looking at art on the walls.

Beyond the Body: A portrait of autopsy

An exhibition review by Amy Holguin, Uncomfortable Oxford Guides Manager The first thing that struck …

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