Join us for a unique tour of the Natural History Museum in Oxford! We'll explore how human influence and selective choice shape the narrative of natural history museums, offering an 'unnatural' perspective on their historical and ideological foundations.


Anne Lister: Lesbian Icon or Enemy of the Working Class?

In the historic city of York, tucked away off the busy shopping street of Goodramgate, …

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Sketch drawing of a man in suit holding a coat and hat

The Paradox of William Morris: Ruthless Industrialist and Generous Philanthropist

William Morris, Lord Nuffield, employed thousands of workers to make millions of cars – and …

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Engraving showing two children looking at some writing on a stone.

Death, Taxes, and Other Uncertainties

In Oxford, the River Thames is reborn as the Isis, sharing its name with the …

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Picture of glass panels around a waiting room, with the drawing of the portrait of a woman and some text added to the panels.

Thora Silverthorne: Fighter, Healer, Leader (Part II)

In the first part of our short series on the life of Thora Silverthorne, we …

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Three pictures collated showing a portrait of a woman (centre) and the same woman in a nurse uniform at work (left and right).

Thora Silverthorne: Fighter, Healer, Leader (Part I)

Of all the local heroes who have passed through the city of Oxford, few saved …

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Photo of a street or place sign in front of a field or park.

Passing Reality Checkpoint: Welcome to Uncomfortable Cambridge

For the last three years, Uncomfortable Oxford has been bringing the neglected and contentious histories …

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Photomontage showing six different street signs.

What’s in a Street Name? Questioning Florence Park’s Colonialist Legacy

This is a guest post by the Decolonising Florence Park project. Some street names are …

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Police files pictures and leaflets showing the face of the same man.

Abraham Lazarus: The Champion of Oxford’s Working Class

Who was Abraham Lazarus? Of the thousands of activists and leaders in the past century …

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Engraving showing a skeleton in robes and crown wielding a scythe.

‘Anti-Vacers’: Vaccine Resistance in nineteenth-century Oxfordshire

The COVID-19 pandemic brought vaccine tensions to the forefront of public discourse. Oxford centred vividly …

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Sepia photoportrait of a young man smiling.

Charlie Hutchison: Oxfordshire’s Forgotten Black Anti-Fascist

Born in Oxfordshire, Charlie Hutchison (1918-1993) led an extraordinary life as both a champion of …

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Black and white picture of a crowd looking in the same direction.

Money, Matchdays, and the Maxwells: How Oxford Nearly Lost Its Football Club

For anyone who’s not a fan of the so-called ‘beautiful game’, the passions evoked by …

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Picture of an old rusty can within a museum exhibit.

Marmalade and the Revolution: The Gently Subversive History of Oxford’s Most Famous Foodstuff

Oxford is known for many things, but neither culinary delicacies nor revolutionary politics generally feature …

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