Join us for a unique tour of the Natural History Museum in Oxford! We'll explore how human influence and selective choice shape the narrative of natural history museums, offering an 'unnatural' perspective on their historical and ideological foundations.

On Tour Development: From "Curiosity and Colonialism" to "Unnatural Histories"

On Tour Development: From Curiosity and Colonialism to Unnatural Histories 

As we launch a new tour of Oxford’s Natural History Museum, we reflect on lessons learnt from exploring the dark side of curiosity.

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Local Hero, Global Antihero? Captain Cook's Legacy in North Yorkshire

Captain Cook: Yorkshire Hero, Global Antihero

Venture beyond York to understand the legacy of one of North Yorkshire’s most famous sons, Captain James Cook

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Overcoming Fake History: the Zimbabwe Bird and Rhodes’ Legacy in Modern Zimbabwe

#Fake: The Zimbabwe Bird and Cecil Rhodes’ Legacy

Cecil Rhodes’ false history of an iconic artefact, and the real story of how contemporary Zimbabweans view his legacy.

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Balfour, Cambridge and Campus Sectarianism

A Portrait Attacked: Sectarianism on Cambridge Campus

A portrait of Arthur Balfour was attacked at Trinity College, Cambridge – But why?

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The End of Oriental Studies: The Rise and Fall of an Oxford Faculty

In late September 2022, Oxford University’s Faculty of Oriental Studies changed its name to the …

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Side-by-side black and white pictures of the same man in black tie costume (left) and wearing Ottoman or middle-eastern syle dress (left)

Unburying an Archaeologist: the Forgotten Story of Hormuzd Rassam

Hormuzd Rassam is not a name which will be familiar to most Oxford residents and …

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Statue of a man with the arm raised in a green space.

Cecil Rhodes and the Religion of Race

It is hard to deny that the achievements of Cecil John Rhodes were remarkable. He …

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Bones of Contention: The Ethics of Displaying Human Remains in Museums

In the previous article of our Personhood and Personal Objects series, we explored the idea …

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Drawing of a man's face encased in a diamond shape

Cecil Rhodes: Where we’re going, we don’t need Rhodes.

Thousands of protesters stood, knelt, and sat in solidarity at the Rhodes Must Fall protest …

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Photograph showing a mantle made of leather or skin and decorated with embroidered shells in a glass case.

Inheriting the Mantle: Dedications and Dilemmas in the Ashmolean

The Ashmolean Museum is the University of Oxford’s museum for art and archaeology. It describes …

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Collage of two pictures showing different views of an indigenous totem pole inside a museum.

The Haida Totem Pole: A First Nations Treasure in Oxford

The second article in our short series delving into the background of items in the …

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Brick wall with bullet impacts circles with chalk.

Irish Nationalist, British Imperialist: The Uncomfortable Identities of Sir Michael O’Dwyer

“No man in the whole history of British rule in India has done such great …

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