Join us for a unique tour of the Natural History Museum in Oxford! We'll explore how human influence and selective choice shape the narrative of natural history museums, offering an 'unnatural' perspective on their historical and ideological foundations.


Anne Lister: Lesbian Icon or Enemy of the Working Class?

In the historic city of York, tucked away off the busy shopping street of Goodramgate, …

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Black and white photograph showing a large crowd in front of an official building

An Eighty-Year Wait to Graduate: Women at Cambridge

Historically, women have only had a formal presence in the university setting for the last …

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Illustration of a woman on a ducking stool by a river.

Scolds, Witches, and Mouldy Jades: Women’s Words on Trial

In 1579, the civic leaders of early modern Oxford, the city corporation, decided to purchase …

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Engaving showing the Devil giving puppets to humans surrounding them.

Teaching Silence

What if time ground down the people of the past to such fine dust that …

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Bunch of colourful ribbons

Remembering Ann Crotchley, a Victim of Oxford’s Unsafe Streets

Content warning: sexual assault, violence against women On the night of Thursday 6 December 1827, …

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Cartoon drawing showing a man in academic robe entering a salon in which a couple is sitting together.

Proctors and Prostitutes: Policing Women at the University of Oxford

Until the late 1870s, the University of Oxford was an all-male institution, frequented by young …

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Print of the first page of a book in old font style.

One Woman Against the Crown: Elizabeth Lilburne Rides to the Rescue

One of the most famous and seemingly unique episodes in Oxford’s history is Queen Matilda’s …

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A black and white picture of a women wearing an academic gown and reading a book

‘Of Oxford … chiefly North’: Women in Oxford

A brief history of women in Oxford and their experiences studying. Oxford is a place …

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