Join us for a unique tour of the Natural History Museum in Oxford! We'll explore how human influence and selective choice shape the narrative of natural history museums, offering an 'unnatural' perspective on their historical and ideological foundations.

Blog posts by

Louis Morris

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Tolkien and the refugees of Middle Earth

Tolkien and the refugees of Middle Earth

‘The Lord of the Rings’ is cited as an inspirational text by both friends and foes of asylum seekers, but what does it really say?

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Balfour, Cambridge and Campus Sectarianism

A Portrait Attacked: Sectarianism on Cambridge Campus

A portrait of Arthur Balfour was attacked at Trinity College, Cambridge – But why?

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Oliver Cromwell: The Coronation That Wasn’t

Today, the 8th of May, is a day with a fair deal of royal baggage. …

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Engraving showing two children looking at some writing on a stone.

Death, Taxes, and Other Uncertainties

In Oxford, the River Thames is reborn as the Isis, sharing its name with the …

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Empty aircraft silo

Mushroom Clouds over the Dreaming Spires

Until recently, when contemplating a future of climate chaos, unaffordable housing, dystopian tech, xenophobic nationalism, …

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Photomontage showing a photo portrait of a queen with a crown on the left side, and on the right side the painting of a 18th century monarch.

Rebels with a Deer Park? Magdalen vs the Monarchy

On 8 June 2021, conservative news website Guido Fawkes broke the story that a student …

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Photo montage showing on the left side a painting detail with pigs jumping off a bridge and on the right a topless man wearing a furred headdress with horns and holding a US flag.

Stop the Squeal: Oxfordshire’s Dirty Election

In the year since rioters failed to nullify the 2020 US presidential election, commentators have …

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Picture of an old rusty can within a museum exhibit.

Marmalade and the Revolution: The Gently Subversive History of Oxford’s Most Famous Foodstuff

Oxford is known for many things, but neither culinary delicacies nor revolutionary politics generally feature …

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Print of the first page of a book in old font style.

One Woman Against the Crown: Elizabeth Lilburne Rides to the Rescue

One of the most famous and seemingly unique episodes in Oxford’s history is Queen Matilda’s …

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Picture of a victorian-gothic chapel made of red and yellow bricks.

A Day for All Souls? Remembering the Middle Ages Today

Surrounded by the patriotic paraphernalia of wreaths and poppies, the blazing memorials to Guy Fawkes, …

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Picture of a man in suit and tie frowning.

More than Morse: The Origins of Policing in Oxford

When we think of policing in Oxford, the most enduring image that comes to mind …

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Photograph of a statue of a man in military uniform wearing a tricorn.

Horatio Nelson: Turning a blind eye to slavery?

Some of the monuments currently under the spotlight depict individuals who were lost in the …

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