Join us for a unique tour of the Natural History Museum in Oxford! We'll explore how human influence and selective choice shape the narrative of natural history museums, offering an 'unnatural' perspective on their historical and ideological foundations.

Issam Kourbaj's "Urgent Archive" Exhibition Review

Issam Kourbaj’s “Urgent Archive”: Exhibition Review

The latest Kettle’s Yard exhibition is a real-time battle to preserve Syrian history from oblivion, but does it stick in the viewer’s memory?

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Balfour, Cambridge and Campus Sectarianism

A Portrait Attacked: Sectarianism on Cambridge Campus

A portrait of Arthur Balfour was attacked at Trinity College, Cambridge – But why?

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Oliver Cromwell: The Coronation That Wasn’t

Today, the 8th of May, is a day with a fair deal of royal baggage. …

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Black and white photograph showing a large crowd in front of an official building

An Eighty-Year Wait to Graduate: Women at Cambridge

Historically, women have only had a formal presence in the university setting for the last …

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Photo of a street or place sign in front of a field or park.

Passing Reality Checkpoint: Welcome to Uncomfortable Cambridge

For the last three years, Uncomfortable Oxford has been bringing the neglected and contentious histories …

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