Join us for a unique tour of the Natural History Museum in Oxford! We'll explore how human influence and selective choice shape the narrative of natural history museums, offering an 'unnatural' perspective on their historical and ideological foundations.

Migration Museum NHS Exhibition Review

Migration Museum: NHS Exhibition review

The Migration Museum’s ‘Heart of the Nation’ exhibition explores how migrants built Britain’s NHS, even in the face of systemic racism.

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Drawing profil portrait of a bearded man wearing glasses and a hat.

From Gill Sans, to Sans Gill: The Controversy over the Work of Eric Gill

Content warning: Rape, sexual abuse On January 12, 2022, an activist used a ladder to …

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Engaving showing the Devil giving puppets to humans surrounding them.

Teaching Silence

What if time ground down the people of the past to such fine dust that …

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Caricature drawing showing men dressed as templar knights hwith different symbols of death, including a scythe, a skull, and a beheaded head.

Collective punishment and colonial terror: The lessons of Britain’s war in Malaya

Britain’s military policies during the Malayan Emergency (1948-1960) not only inflicted untold suffering upon the …

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Mosaic image showing a man in armour on a horse.

Alexander the Great in Skopje: an “up yours” to Greece?

Since Macedonian independence in 1991, following the breakup of Yugoslavia, Greece has contested the country’s …

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A descriptive commemorative plaque.

Diego de Landa: From Monasteries to Roundabouts

As a leading Franciscan bishop, in the mid-16th century Fray Diego de Landa led an …

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A paper featuring the portrait of several people, linking them to physiology and criminality.

Medicine and Colonization: How Scientific Research Shapes Politics

In recent months we have seen a wave of renaming initiatives around the world, which …

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Lawn bordered by trees with a victorian tower in the background.

Empty Spaces: Where are the Statues to Imperial Victims?

In the midst of a revolution against problematic historical statues, we might reflect on the …

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Black and white picture of women and girls protesting, holding a banner with arabic script.

An Interview with Isabella Hammad: Part Two

This is the second part of an interview with Isabella Hammad, the author of The Parisian: an epic tale of a Palestinian man’s journey beginning at the outbreak of the First World War.

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Decorated book cover with intricate blue, yellow and light pink floral motifs.

An Interview with Isabella Hammad: Part One

We had a chance to chat with The Parisian’s author, Isabella Hammad, about the broader …

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Picture of the statue of a man with a waistcoat and jacket.

Sir John A. Macdonald: National Hero or Architect of Genocide?

On Saturday August 29, 2020, Black Lives Matter and Indigenous Rights protestors unbolted and pulling …

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Photograph of a statue of a man in military uniform wearing a tricorn.

Horatio Nelson: Turning a blind eye to slavery?

Some of the monuments currently under the spotlight depict individuals who were lost in the …

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