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Blog posts by

Lunan Zhao

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A paper featuring the portrait of several people, linking them to physiology and criminality.

Medicine and Colonization: How Scientific Research Shapes Politics

In recent months we have seen a wave of renaming initiatives around the world, which …

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Black and white picture of women and girls protesting, holding a banner with arabic script.

An Interview with Isabella Hammad: Part Two

This is the second part of an interview with Isabella Hammad, the author of The Parisian: an epic tale of a Palestinian man’s journey beginning at the outbreak of the First World War.

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Decorated book cover with intricate blue, yellow and light pink floral motifs.

An Interview with Isabella Hammad: Part One

We had a chance to chat with The Parisian’s author, Isabella Hammad, about the broader …

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An illustration poster with a read hand cutting the trunk of a tree with a tool.

Francis Galton: Eugenics and Modern Medicine

Galton’s political beliefs evidently undermined the rigour of his qualitative claims. What is less discussed …

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A stylized black and white picture of V.S. Naipaul's face

Literature after the British Empire: V.S. Naipaul’s story

V.S. Naipaul’s writings provide a unique insight into his attempt at constructing authentic identity. When …

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