Join us for a unique tour of the Natural History Museum in Oxford! We'll explore how human influence and selective choice shape the narrative of natural history museums, offering an 'unnatural' perspective on their historical and ideological foundations.

Tolkien and the refugees of Middle Earth

Tolkien and the refugees of Middle Earth

‘The Lord of the Rings’ is cited as an inspirational text by both friends and foes of asylum seekers, but what does it really say?

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Haunted York and the Ghosts of Empire

Ghost Stories of York and the Haunting of Empire

Ghost tourism is big business in York, but is there a way for it to tackle the spectres of the city’s imperial past?

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Oxford's Activist Pasts and Present: In Solidarity with Oxford Action for Palestine

Oxford’s Activist Pasts and Present: In Solidarity with Oxford Action for Palestine

How Oxford Action for Palestine’s encampment follows on from recent student protest movements, ranging from Rhodes Must Fall to Transforming Silence

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Local Hero, Global Antihero? Captain Cook's Legacy in North Yorkshire

Captain Cook: Yorkshire Hero, Global Antihero

Venture beyond York to understand the legacy of one of North Yorkshire’s most famous sons, Captain James Cook

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Overcoming Fake History: the Zimbabwe Bird and Rhodes’ Legacy in Modern Zimbabwe

#Fake: The Zimbabwe Bird and Cecil Rhodes’ Legacy

Cecil Rhodes’ false history of an iconic artefact, and the real story of how contemporary Zimbabweans view his legacy.

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Balfour, Cambridge and Campus Sectarianism

A Portrait Attacked: Sectarianism on Cambridge Campus

A portrait of Arthur Balfour was attacked at Trinity College, Cambridge – But why?

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The Hidden History of Oxford’s Jewish Community

An unassuming memorial stone near the entrance to the Oxford Botanic Garden marks the site …

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Jewish History in York: The Pogrom at Clifford’s Tower

In 2016 York was granted the title ‘City of Sanctuary’ to celebrate the city’s ‘efforts …

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Anne Lister: Lesbian Icon or Enemy of the Working Class?

In the historic city of York, tucked away off the busy shopping street of Goodramgate, …

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The End of Oriental Studies: The Rise and Fall of an Oxford Faculty

In late September 2022, Oxford University’s Faculty of Oriental Studies changed its name to the …

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Oliver Cromwell: The Coronation That Wasn’t

Today, the 8th of May, is a day with a fair deal of royal baggage. …

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Sketch drawing of a man in suit holding a coat and hat

The Paradox of William Morris: Ruthless Industrialist and Generous Philanthropist

William Morris, Lord Nuffield, employed thousands of workers to make millions of cars – and …

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